Thursday, November 5, 2009

2nd down... Damn Regret..

Okay. BMCF 2223 - Fluid Mechanics is over! hehehe. Time 0900 to 1130. Venue at Dewan Besar UTeM. and believe me, that dewan is very very very very very very COLD! i dunno lah, maybe u can even freeze an ice cream or sumthin. i even put on my blazer and i was shaking e v e r y s i n g l e m i n u t e ! Haih.. its like a gigantic refrigerator man. im not kidding. huhuhu. bad news is, 3 paper lagi ni akan bertempat di dewan itu juga!!! sigh.. maybe i should wear like those eskimos (camni ke ejaan die?? bedal je la. haha.) in the north pole. haha. or even bring a blanket tu warm me up. *wink wink*.

Soalan2 yg dikemukakan was easy! but... biase la kan. last minute baru la nk pulun study. haha. haram satu jadah pon x kluar td. pnat je study. haha. and macam biase, time time ni la kuar ayat ayat PENYESALAN yang sudah begitu fofular di kalangan pelajar pelajar terutamanya pelajar universiti..

"menyesalnye x study awal2.."

"kalau la aku buat tutor awal2 dlu.."

"haih.. soalan same kot ngan tutor tu.. tp knape x dpt??"

"baru lah aku tau bertapa berhargenye tutor itu.."
(This is originally from myself! huahuauahuahua)

So, all and all, sesal dahulu pendapatan btol tak? haha. sesal kemudian tidak bergune. so, renung renung kan dan selamat beramal!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1 Down, 4 to go..

As the clock struck 1130, mark as the end of our dynamics final exam paper. At last, one out of five burden has been lifted. huhu. okay, the question was hard but easy. do u understand? haha. The truth is, we (almost all students or should i say ALL) students have received the question. The question was leaked! should i call the plumber or sumthing?? ahhaa. can u imagine? u r studying the EXACT question that will come out in the final paper! it feels like just a test or some sort of quiz. hahahaha. All and all, many many thanks to our lecturer EN. AHMAD FUAD BIN ABD GHANI. You're the man! we're gonna miss u a lot.. sob sob.. (touching plak la aku nih.. hahaha.)

Okay, enough with dynamics. Next up Fluid Mechanics!

Monday, November 2, 2009

BMCM 1713 - Dynamics

Dynamics final exam paper will be held tomorrow.
9 in the morning.
This also marks as the beginning of my final exam for this 3rd semester.
Pray for me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Hey! Do u remember tragedy 1/11??

I bet no one remember. Hahahahaha. It's my anniversary with my syg! Heheh.. (Blushing.....) Its the 1st actually. So, this post will be a special edition of the introduction of my GEE EFF a.k.a GF. hahahah.

That's all.

Okay okay. I'll fit in a few info on her. heheh. She's CUTE. Obvious isn't it? heheheheh. Her look, her attitiude, her speech are all an example of a good cuteness. It's like Cuteness is related to every single thing in her. (puji lbeh2 plak. hahahah.) She's so very lah penyayang. very MANJE (That's what i like most about her. XD) She has a very soft heart, means dat die sgt lah cepat merajok but very easy to pujuk. huhu. but yet she is one of THE most tabah girl i penah jumpe (X tipu nih). She can dance (traditional only~). heheh. and so many other features about her that are amazing. =)

Well, on top of that, i just wanna wish HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DEAR! & I L Y S M !